alternative therapies

Alternative Therapies Becoming Popular: Should They Be?

Often you read stories about cancer patients who have chosen alternative treatments, either instead of or alongside of conventional treatment. Every cancer patient has the right to decide what, if any, line of treatment they wish to pursue.

But it’s vital that people make fully informed decisions based on genuine evidence about the risks and benefits of any therapy — whether alternative, complementary or conventional — in discussion with their doctor.

To be clear, alternative usually implies a treatment is used instead of conventional medicine, while complementary therapies are used alongside regular medical treatments.

Unfortunately, media and online coverage of alternative therapies often doesn’t tell the whole story or include professional medical advice, and can be very misleading.

Natural is better

One of the big selling points advocates of alternative therapies use is to claim that conventional treatments are toxic while their favoured treatment is natural, implying that natural is somehow better. This is a fallacy that needs to be confronted.

Many treatments for cancer and other diseases were originally derived from naturally-occurring substances. The chemotherapy drug Taxol, created from a compound found in yew leaves, is a prime example.

Conversely, some of the most poisonous substances in the world — mercury, arsenic, ricin, hemlock, cyanide and snake venoms to name but a few — are all entirely natural.

Furthermore, alternative natural therapies are not guaranteed to be safe. Examples include bowel damage caused by coffee enemas, permanent scarring or disfigurement from cancer salves, and a serious risk of cyanide poisoning from laetrile. A website such as Health Listing Directory offers more medically-sound information on a variety of health issues.

Some alternative therapies are nonintrusive and fairly benign, such as those used for treating mental health issues such as stress and depression. One example would be art therapy, a technique that has recently come into favor.

natural health remedies

But it works — I read it in the news!

Stories in the news about alternative therapies are usually framed in the words of a patient talking about their own health journey. But this is neither scientific proof nor any kind of guarantee that a treatment is effective or safe.

News reports may provide incorrect or confusing medical information, such as misreporting the type and stage of disease or the true chances of survival, and failing to point out any conventional treatments that were used alongside or before seeking alternative therapy.

In some cases this may be the result of accidental omissions or errors, especially if a reporter is only relying on the patient themselves as the source of their story.

Cancer is a complex disease, and without access to detailed medical records — which are confidential — it is impossible to paint a fully accurate picture of an individual’s health journey and whether alternative therapies played any role in their recovery.

More worryingly, there are some cases where evidence points towards a murkier interpretation of ‘truth’ and fact. A person should always seek health information and alternative medicine therapy advice from a trusted source such as Brighter Health.

For example, blogger Lisa Lewis built a large media profile and business around the story of having apparently ‘healed herself’ of a brain tumour through lifestyle and diet changes, but has now admitted that she never actually had cancer at all.

People pushing alternative therapies frequently wheel out stories from ‘survivors’ who are apparently alive due to their treatments, yet without providing solid evidence to prove it is true. This raises false hope and unrealistic expectations that there is a hidden miracle cure that can be unlocked for the right price, or by eating exactly the right foods.

As a result, patients and their loved ones may feel guilty or angry for not trying everything that they possibly could have done, despite there being no evidence that such treatments would have helped.

Stories of people ‘healing themselves’ through diet or other therapies make good headlines. However, if the same person later dies from their cancer it often goes unreported, leaving readers with the misconception that the alternative treatment was a success.

Where’s the evidence?

When a doctor recommends a course of treatment their decision is based on the best available information about the chances of saving or prolonging a patient’s life, along with any risks and benefits.

Sadly we know that in too many cases even the best treatments can fail, which is why we’re continually researching more effective ways to diagnose and treat cancer. Even so, the treatments we have today — including surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy — have helped to double cancer survival rates since the 1970s.

We understand that people want to hang on to any glimmer of hope that they or their loved one can be cured, particularly when facing a terminal cancer diagnosis. But despite what alternative therapists may claim, they do not have evidence to support the effectiveness of the treatments they offer. Yet they do normally stand to make money — many thousands of dollars in some cases — from selling ineffective treatments and advice.

Of course, pharmaceutical companies stand to make money from cancer treatments too. But they must provide evidence of the effectiveness, safety and side effects of their treatments through lab research and clinical trials. This information is assessed by doctors and healthcare providers when deciding whether a treatment should be made available for patients and paid for by the health service or insurance.